In this article let me help you on long division with decimals. Let me explain you with the help of following example.
Example Problem to show How to do Long Division with Decimals:
Solve 855.8 ÷ 2.
Steps to show how to do long division with decimals:
Step 1: In the given problem the dividend is 855.8 and the divisor is 2
Step 2: Now we are going to divide 855.8 by 2, we take the first number of the divisor. Since 2 is less than 8 we can stop with 8
Step 3: The divisor 2 is multiplied with the quotient 4 and gives the result of 8, so when we subtract 8 by 8 we get the remainder of 0.
Step 4: The remainder we have is 0, so we bring down 5.
Step 5: Now 2 is multiplied with 2 to get 4. When 4 subtracted with 5 we get 1 so we bring 5 down.
Step 6: When 2 is multiplied with 7 we will get 14 so when 14 subtracted from 15 we will get 1.There is a decimal point present in the dividend. So we can take that and put it in the quotient and proceed with the problem. This could also help us on integral of sin
Step 7: Now we bring 8 down. When 2 multiplied with 9 we will get 19. When we subtract 18 by 18 we get 0. So the remainder is 0
Step 8: By solving 855.8 ÷ 2 we get the remainder as 0 and the quotient is 427.9 . This is how to do long division with decimals..
Example Problem to show How to do Long Division with Decimals:
Solve 855.8 ÷ 2.
Steps to show how to do long division with decimals:
Step 1: In the given problem the dividend is 855.8 and the divisor is 2
Step 2: Now we are going to divide 855.8 by 2, we take the first number of the divisor. Since 2 is less than 8 we can stop with 8
Step 3: The divisor 2 is multiplied with the quotient 4 and gives the result of 8, so when we subtract 8 by 8 we get the remainder of 0.
Step 4: The remainder we have is 0, so we bring down 5.
Step 5: Now 2 is multiplied with 2 to get 4. When 4 subtracted with 5 we get 1 so we bring 5 down.
Step 6: When 2 is multiplied with 7 we will get 14 so when 14 subtracted from 15 we will get 1.There is a decimal point present in the dividend. So we can take that and put it in the quotient and proceed with the problem. This could also help us on integral of sin
Step 7: Now we bring 8 down. When 2 multiplied with 9 we will get 19. When we subtract 18 by 18 we get 0. So the remainder is 0
Step 8: By solving 855.8 ÷ 2 we get the remainder as 0 and the quotient is 427.9 . This is how to do long division with decimals..