Showing posts with label Rules of Logrithm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rules of Logrithm. Show all posts

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rules of Logarithms

In this section let me help you go through logarithm rules
Definition on Logarithm:-
The logarithm of a number is the exponent to which a base must be raised to equal that number. For example if 53 = 125, it is said that log5 125= 3. Or, in general , if a3 = m, then loga m =3 . where ‘a’ is called the base of logarithm. Evidently ‘a’ cannot be 1 ( ≠1).
The rules of logarithms are as follows:
Loga mn = loga m + logan, where ‘a’ is any positive number such that a≠1
Loga m/n= loga m - logan , and
Loga mb = b loga m
Where b is any rational number and m and n are positive number.You can apply the same rules on corresponding angles
Example Log15 = Log 5 + Log 3
Log 4/5= Log 4 – Log 5
Log64= Log 43 = 3 Log 4

Exercise1. convert into exponential form logm n = p
Options A. np = m
B. mp= n
C. pm= n
D mn=p
Correct answer B

Monday, March 30, 2009

Question on Rules of Logrithm

Topic : Logarithm

Question : Mention all Rules of Logarithm

Solution :