Showing posts with label trigonometry help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trigonometry help. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trigonometry help on domain and range

This Trigonometry help explains about domain and range.

Domain is the set of values that t can take.

here t can take any real value.

so domain is the set of real numbers.

interval notation,domain =(-∞,∞)

we have different trigonometry formulas to solve all kinds trigonometric problems ,
let's how to get the range values.

range of a function f (denoted by ran f ) is the set of all "output" values produced by f. Sometimes it is called the image, or more precisely, the image of the domain of the function. If a function is a surjection then its range is equal to its codomain. In a representation of a function in an xy Cartesian coordinate system, the range is represented on the ordinate (on the y axis).
Now the range of sin t is given by:

-1 ≤ sin t ≤ 1

multiplying by 3,we get

-3 ≤ 3Sint ≤ 3

In interval notation


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Question on Angular Speed/Angular Velocity at which Earth Rotates

Planet earth in the universe rotates and revolve on its own orbit in the solar system. The study of earth revolution is a part of geometry construction and as well as a geological reasoning

Topic : Angular Speed of Earth

Angular speed or angular velocity is a rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time.

Question : Each point on Earth's surface (except the poles) moves in a circle as earth rotates on its axis. What is the angular speed in a radians per second of the point where your located?

Solution :

Earth rotates once about its axis in 24 hours.
that is 2 radians in 24 hours.
Therefore angular speed = 2π/24 rad/hr
= 2π/24*60*60 rad/sec
= 7.272X10-5rad/sec
So angular speed at which earth rotates is 7.272X10-5rad/sec